Teaching your children about the Christian faith is always a challenge. I have noticed that my children (esp. my daughter) tend to retain things better when set to a tune.
There is a CD called "Why Can't I See God" in which Judy Rogers enlists the help of the children at her PCA church and they crafted the songs in this CD.
It is basically portions of the Children's Catechism set to music. It is very well done, and the tunes of the songs are very pleasing to the ear.
I even play it in the car even when the kids are not in with me. Even though it is meant for kids, it is very theologically rich that even adults by themselves can learn, be encouraged and refreshed. The link to her website to find out more and to purchase is here.
One of my favorites is #12, "Jesus Our Redeemer".. This song takes you through creation, Adam's fall, the ruined race and our subsequent depravity, the salvation that Christ achieves for us, the judgement and second return of Christ. And this is in a kid's song CD! This CD song set is more theologically rich than any contemporary Christian artists that you may have listened to in the past.
Here are the lyrics for that song (Jesus Our Redeemer):
"Blessed be the wisdom and the power,
The justice and the grace,
That joined in counsel to restore
And save our ruined race!
Our father Adam ate the fruit
And from his glory fell;
And we his children then were brought to death
And near to hell.
Praise be to God that sent His Son
To take on flesh and blood;
He gave His life a sacrifice
To make our peace with God!
He honored all His Father's laws
Which we have disobeyed;
He bore our sins upon the cross,
For us the ransom paid.
He rose victorious from the grave
And now He lives on high;
He pleads His merits there to save
Transgressors doomed to die.
There on a glorious throne He reigns,
And by His power divine,
Redeems us from the slavish chains
Of Satan and of sin.
Someday the Lord will come to judge
And with a sovereign voice,
Shall call the dead from every grave
While living saints rejoice!
Oh may I then with joy appear
Before the Judge's face;
And with the saints forevermore
Sing His redeeming grace!"
~By Isaac Watts; Adapted by Judy Rogers
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